Peanuts: Confirming Food Quality & Safety From the Ground Up
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Peanuts:  Confirming Food Quality & Safety From the Ground Up

Peanuts: Confirming Food Quality & Safety From the Ground Up

July 19, 2021

Confirming Groundnut/Peanut Quality From the Ground Up

Global peanut producing regions are expected to harvest more than 49.5 Million metric tons of peanuts in 2021*, according to the USDA-FAS Crop Explorer.  Of the nearly 50 million metric tons produced, 3.6 million metric tons will be exported, and in that process subject to strict legislated maximum allowable levels for aflatoxins in more than 90 countries. The risks that follow aflatoxin contamination are serious and costly, including liver disease, immune suppression and even cancer. Aflatoxin B1 (a sub-group within the aflatoxin chemical family) was first classified as a Group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1987.

Aflatoxin monitoriing in peanuts often begins at the first point of delivery, commonly known as the "Buying Point". Newly harvested peanuts arrive here for cleaning, storage and transfer to the next step in the value chain, which may be the sheller, processor or exporter.  Early aflatoxin detection enables buying point facilities to head off potential downstream contamination - safeguarding the value of in-house stored peanuts and ensuring wholesome (and safe!) finished products further along the value chain.

As we've done for the better part of 30 years - VICAM is preparing for and excited to announce registration for the 2021 Aflatoxin Peanut Training Seminar - Thursday, August 19 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.  This session is designed for new and existing VICAM users and potential customers worldwide, no prior knowledge or experience is required.

Peanuts At Harvest Waiting for Aflatoxin Testing
Newly Harvested Peanuts

What will VICAM's Aflatoxin Peanut Seminars Include for 2021?

We are excited to welcome back one of VICAM's peanut technical experts: Ms. Kimberly Martin. Kimberly has worked with peanut customers around the world, and has been instrumental in method development for rapid, on-site and laboratory based aflatoxin tests using LC and LC-MS/MS technologies. This year's virtual session will feature:

Mycotoxins: Where Do Aflatoxins Come From, And Why Does Monitoring Matter?

  • What Are the Most Important Considerations When Selecting a Test Method?
  • How Can I Be Sure My Method is Performing Well?
Kim Martin Technical Services Specialist
Kimberly Martin

What makes the VICAM Peanut Aflatoxin Seminar impactful for our customers?

Kim shared: "I believe our seminar enables people in the industry to understand the importance of what they do on a daily basis - in an effort to keep the population safe from mycotoxins such as aflatoxin. It also helps us to stay connected with this important and growing industry, and hopefully expresses how much we appreciate their partnership, that we are there standing right by them."

We hope you'll join us Thursday, August 19 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern for an exciting, informative learning session with LIVE Q&A and plenty of opportunity to download and access resources that can help you throughout harvest season and beyond. Click here to register!

*USDA FAS Crop Explorer/Peanuts: https://ipad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/cropview/commodityView.aspx?cropid=2221000