How Soon After Testing Can I Sell Food and Feeds?
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How Soon After Testing Can I Sell Food and Feeds?

How Soon After Testing Can I Sell Food and Feeds?

July 30, 2024

Mycotoxin testing should be done as close to shipping as possible. Your timeline also depends on if you’re testing raw materials or finished products. 


You’re planning to test your product for mycotoxins to ensure its safety and compliance with regulations. But there are lots of different steps during transportation and storage that could impact your testing results—so when should you test? And how soon after a test can you start selling your products? 

When does testing occur? 

Testing typically occurs at important points after harvest when it is critical to understand the quality of raw materials. This helps you and your buyers make decisions about suitability for a particular application or use of raw materials such as: 

  • Grain
  • Oilseed
  • Nuts
  • Spices
  • Green coffee
  • Other products

When testing for mycotoxins, obtaining accurate and precise mycotoxin results as close to the point of shipping as possible enables the processor to verify product quality and compliance ahead of delivery to the marketplace. 

However, testing timelines differ depending on whether you’re testing raw materials or finished products. 

When should I test raw materials for mycotoxins? 

Raw materials should be tested upon receipt. If bound for storage, best practice would include re-checking for mycotoxins prior to use in processing or shipping to its next destination.

Once a raw material is accepted and stored or prepared for use, it may be combined with other ingredients. Some of these new ingredients could contribute to overall mycotoxin contamination in a finished product such as a finished feed or pet food. 

When should I test finished products for mycotoxins? 

When testing finished products, it’s important to test as quickly as possible. This is due to a couple of reasons: 

  • Finished products may already be packaged and waiting to be loaded onto a shipping container or truck. 
  • Finished products may have a shelf-life to consider. 

Finished product testing often involves sending a sample out to be tested using LC or LC-MS/MS, which are standard laboratory-based methods that have been validated by AOAC and other trusted organizations or agencies.

This final step of mycotoxin testing assures a stronger global supply chain, fewer disruptions, and greater consumer confidence in the products we consume every day.

Be Ready to Test

No matter when you test in the process, VICAM’s testing solutions offer easy and convenient ways to help you determine if your products meet the necessary requirements. Contact us today to see which option is best for your product’s needs. 

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